The Road to Damascus: Conversion To Christ (Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-30)

Greetings everyone,

I apologize for not updating the Bible study. Please keep my family in your prayers, and thank you for your patience and faithfulness to God’s Word.

This month, we are reading from Acts 9:20-30. In the scripture reading, Paul is preaching about Christ being the Son of God. As we read earlier in this study, Paul did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God. In Acts 8:1-3, we learned that Paul was going everywhere, destroying the church and dragging men and women out of their homes to throw them into prison. One thing that we know about Jesus is that He saves! Despite all that Paul has done, Jesus used him. In Acts 9:21, the people of Damascus were probably nervous about seeing Paul, knowing his history towards believers. However, if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will know if that person is of God (1 John 4:1). Paul's faith in the Lord increased, even when his life was in danger. He knew that he had a purpose: to spread the Word of God (Acts 9:23-30). Reading these scriptures taught us that God can use anyone regardless of their background. Everyone has a role and a job to do for the Lord. Your life experiences are a testimony of God’s greatness. God is a healer, and He restores. I pray that this brief journey on the road to Damascus encourages you to see that God is not done with you yet. May God bless you and your family always, and take care.

Our Bible Study Assignment: Please read Acts 9: 20-30 and answer the following questions.

  • Using the SOAP format; Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer; what can we learn from these scriptures?

  • Why is it essential to test the Spirit?

  • Why was Paul's strength increased?

  • From reading about Paul’s conversion to Christ, are there any similarities in your life?

  • Please respond to at least two posts and encourage one another. Again, thank you for studying God’s Word with us.

Please respect one another in the comment section. Your comment is important to us and others. We are here to learn and grow together while embracing God’s Word and Wisdom.


The Road to Damascus: Conversion To Christ (Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-30)