The Road to Damascus: Conversion for Christ (Scripture Reading Acts 9:1-30)

Greetings everyone,

Thank you so much for your support and patience; we will continue our monthly bible study.

This month, we will learn about Paul being confronted by Christ; please read Acts 9:3-9.

After reading Acts 9:1-9, we learned that Saul denied Christ, even though he knew the scriptures. How do we know that? He was going to Damascus to carry out the orders to arrest the Christians. Also, we learned that Saul:

  1. It was near Damascus when a light from heaven suddenly appeared. Why was he going to Damascus? He would arrest Christians and take them back to Jerusalem as prisoners. He became a Christian bounty hunter. So what was the light? The light was from heaven, and the voice of Jesus spoke from it.

  2. Fell to the ground while being spoken to by the Lord. The light was so intense that its radiance caused Saul to fall to the ground. More than likely, he was on his knees. The Bible does say that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess (Philippians 2:10-11), and Saul's position showed that Christ is to be worshipped and reverenced.

  3. Trembled with astonishment and acknowledged Christ as Lord. Christ asked Saul, “Why are you persecuting Me?” He knew who he was talking to because he replied by asking, “Who Are You, Lord?” He wanted confirmation. He wanted to see if he was speaking to Christ, and Christ responded, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”

  4. I knew that it was Christ who spoke to Him, and it left him speechless. From that moment, he knew his persecution of Christians was a sin against Christ. Christ instructed him to go into Damascus and wait for further instructions.

  5. He lost his sight for three days (he saw his spiritual blindness) and neither ate nor drank. Christ will open your eyes from your spiritual darkness if you let Him. Christ will give you clarity and a new vision. Trust Him!!

Our Bible Study Assignment: Please read Acts 9:5 and answer the following questions.

  • Please explain, “It is hard for you to kick against the goads.”

  • Using the SOAP format: Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer, what can we learn from this scripture?

  • Please respond to at least two posts and encourage one another. Again, thank you for studying God’s Word with us.

Please respect one another in the comment section. Your comment is important to us and others. We are here to learn and grow together while embracing God’s Word and Wisdom.


The Road to Damascus: Conversion To Christ (Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-30)


The Road to Damascus: Conversion for Christ (Scripture Reading Acts 9:1-30)