The Road to Damascus: Conversion To Christ (Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-30)

Greetings everyone,

Let’s reflect on what we know thus far.

We learned from the previous months that Saul was a “Christian Bounty Hunter.” On His way to Damascus, He encountered Jesus, which left him physically blind. Remember, before he meant Christ, he was “spiritually blind” to his actions towards Christ and His followers. The men led him that he was with to Damascus. There, in Damascus, Saul will meet a disciple named Ananias. For three days, he could not see, nor did he drink or eat anything. So, can you imagine meeting Christ as you go down the road of destruction, and He stops and asks you, “Why are you persecuting Me?” Christ is asking you why you are being hostile to the people I am using to help you understand the gift of salvation and to ME. The One who loves you and the One that died for you. Paul knew about Christ, but he didn’t know Christ. To know Christ is to know God, and God is love (John 15:9). Saul realized that day that his life was now for Christ, and he had to spend time with Jesus in prayer. Christ is always waiting for us as we walk our life journey. Will you allow Christ to remove the scales causing you spiritual blindness to the word of God? or will you continue to walk in darkness? The choice is yours.

Our Bible Study Assignment: Please read Acts 9:6-9 and answer the following questions.

  • Using the SOAP format; Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer; what can we learn from these scriptures?

  • When did you realize that you needed Christ in your life?

  • What was the spiritual blindness that held you back from obeying God’s calling on your life?

  • Please respond to at least two posts and encourage one another. Again, thank you for studying God’s Word with us.

Please respect one another in the comment section. Your comment is important to us and others. We are here to learn and grow together while embracing God’s Word and Wisdom.


The Road to Damascus: Conversion To Christ (Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-30)


The Road to Damascus: Conversion for Christ (Scripture Reading Acts 9:1-30)